Trysports Bicester

Adidas Hockey Chaosfury Kromaskin .3 2024/25


Discount 40% off RRP

A franchise for the player that wants to cause chaos on the pitch, especially in the D. The ultra low bow and Kromaskin technology make anything possible from 3D skills, deceptive passing and ultimate ball speed.

The partial Kromaskin coverage in the hitting zone of the Chaosfury Kromaskin .3 combines with the highly tuned composition to give high levels of power, while also giving optimum levels of touch and feel.

BOW: Ultra Low Bow - 200mm/24mm

HEAD SHAPE: Pure Control


·         KROMASKIN / PARTIAL STICK KROMASKIN COVERAGE: Ultra thin carbon fibre material wrapping the stick shaft, taken from F1 Racing Technology, that improves both the look and the structural performance of the stick.

·         SPREAD TOW CARBON: Higher strength to weight ratio than a standard carbon lay-up, increasing the power generation and durability of the stick.


RRP: £260.00

Price: £156.00